
Showing posts from February, 2016

Decluttering techniques for the clutter challeged

I have a confession to make - I am not a neat person.  Clutter seems to spring up around me in record time.  Give me a clear, flat space, and it will be filled within days.  Despite that (or maybe because of that?), I love the feel of a neat, picked up house with open spaces. I've recently been focusing on reducing the amount of stuff in my house, which is helping me more often have the clean feeling I desire.  Here are some of the techniques I've recently found useful in my efforts to fight clutter - I'd love to hear other people's ideas as well! Devote an hour or three on Saturdays to uncluttering :  There are many techniques for picking up and decluttering your house.  Some people suggest picking one thing a day to get rid of, but I've found that to be ineffective - I need to get into a grove to really get things done.  Recently, I've been dedicating every Saturday morning that I don't have other plans to this.  In reality, this means one or two Satur


Like many people, my life tends to be very busy.  I've recently been focusing a lot of time on ways to make life better.  In many cases, this translates into making life simple(r) - but not always.  Everyone is different, but I've found a number of things that I think others would enjoy.  I decided to share some of my thoughts in the hopes of helping other people improve their lives.  This blog will probably be part financial, part minimalist, and part my own ramblings on life.  I hope you find something useful here, and even if you can't use it directly, are able to find something to spark your own inspiration.  Enjoy!